US News

House passes short-term spending bill to avoid shutdown

The House voted Thursday to approve a stopgap budget extension to keep the federal government running through Jan. 19 — with the hope it can hammer out a longer-term funding deal before the next deadline.

The 231-188 vote broke largely along party lines as the Republican majority sought to avoid the black eye of a government shutdown so soon after their victory enacting tax reform.

The Senate later approved the legislation 66-32.

The bill will keep the government funded through Jan. 19, at which point Congress must agree on a budget through the end of the fiscal year in September or pass another extension.

It is the third iteration this week of the contentious bill, which some congressional Republicans threatened not to support because it did not fund the Department of Defense through the rest of the fiscal year.

The version that passed includes $673.5 million to fix the USS McCain and Fitzgerald, which both crashed in the Pacific over the summer due to crew errors, and $884 million for ballistic-missile defenses seen as integral in the face of a nuclear North Korea’s recent saber-rattling.

Also included is $2.85 billion to re-up to the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides health-care matching funds to moderate-income families that do not quality for Medicaid. The funding is expected to last through March.

It also provides $2.1 billion in mandatory funding for veterans health services

It also re-authorizes the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and sets aside $81 billion in hurricane-relief funding.

President Trump took to Twitter ahead of the vote to chide Democrats and whip up support for the extender.

“House Democrats want a SHUTDOWN for the holidays in order to distract from the very popular, just passed, Tax Cuts. House Republicans, don’t let this happen. Pass the C.R. TODAY and keep our Government OPEN!,” he wrote.