
De Blasio defends FDNY hiring hateful son of ex-commissioner

Mayor de Blasio on Monday defended the FDNY’s rehiring of a former fire commissioner’s son who resigned after spewing racist and anti-Semitic rants on Twitter.

Joseph Cassano, 28, the son of former Commissioner Sal Cassano, resigned as an emergency medical technician in 2013 after The Post exposed his social-media attacks against blacks, Jews and the poor.

But he was recently rehired as a firefighter.

“This situation has been looked at very carefully,” the mayor said. “The only way someone can continue on our employment if they think that way is: They’ve gotta really re-evaluate their thinking and what it means to be in public service in the most diverse city in the country.”

Hizzoner called the younger Cassano’s past remarks “unacceptable,” but pointed out that the city took “very systematic measures” to ensure he was set straight.

“I also am someone who believes in redemption,” de Blasio added.

Joseph Cassano, who is set to be sworn in on Dec. 11, first got into hot water in March 2013.

“MLK could go kick rocks for all I care, but thanks for the time-and-a- half today,” he posted on his social-media account on the Martin Luther King holiday.

Cassano slurred blacks as “shwoogs,” tweeted, “I like jews about as much as hitler” and whined about his job as an EMT.

“Getting sick of picking up all these obama lovers and taking them to the hospital because their medicare pays for an ambulance and not a cab,” he wrote of the patients.

The mayor warned that Cassano wouldn’t get another chance.

“If there’s any further incident, it will be dealt with very harshly,” de Blasio said.