Why Mike Francesa’s epic Giants rant made him a little bit sad

We may have witnessed the last great Mike Francesa rant on Tuesday — at least on WFAN.

The afternoon host’s bellowing tirade against Giants coach Ben McAdoo for his handling of Eli Manning’s benching earned praise across the Internet from his rabid fans to Adam Schefter.

But with it came a dose of reality. Francesa, whose final show is Dec. 15, was asked by Dan Patrick on Wednesday if he could have imagined not being on the radio when the Giants made their much-panned quarterback decision.

“I would have gone door to door [Tuesday] I think if I was home or held a rally somewhere on the corner or at the park,” Francesa told the radio host.

“That is going to be the hardest part, without the forum without the audience — and you understand this — it almost would have been intolerable for me, impossible for me. When you have days like [Tuesday] you run to the microphone. They are gifts, they are special, everybody is wired in. Those are the days when they happen, and I am not on the air, they’ll be very tough to take.”

Francesa has not spoken specifically on his future after WFAN for contractual reasons.  He said to keep an eye on April-May for his return to some sort of media.

“I believe I will have the platform … It’s in the building stage, but I believe I will,” Francesa said.