US News

War criminal dies after taking poison at UN tribunal

Croatia’s state TV says Slobodan Praljak, who claimed to have taken poison just after his 20-year sentence was upheld by appeals judges at a UN war crimes tribunal, has died.

Dutch police would not comment on the TV report based on “sources close to Gen. Praljak.”

A spokesman for the tribunal, Nenad Golcevski, when asked by the AP if he could confirm the death, said: “I have no information to share at this point.”

Praljak, 72, drank from a bottle shortly after appeals judges confirmed his sentence for involvement in a campaign to drive Muslims out of a would-be Bosnian Croat mini-state in Bosnia in the early 1990s.

Croatian Slobodan Praljak swallows what is believed to be poison during a court hearing.Getty Images