
Trump retweets anti-Muslim videos from British ultranationalist party

President Trump on Wednesday shared violent videos from the Twitter account of the leader of a British ultranationalist party that apparently show Muslims beating a boy on crutches, tossing a teenager off a roof and smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary.

The three videos initially were posted by Jayda Fransen, deputy leader of the Britain First Party, which has been running political candidates on anti-immigration platforms and warns of the “Islamification of the UK.”

The first video Trump shared with his 42 million followers was titled “VIDEO: Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!

The video, which comes with a warning that it contains “sensitive material, ” shows what appears to be a teenager first putting his arms around a boy holding a crutch and then suddenly punching him until he collapses to the ground.

At that point, he begins kicking the boy in the back and the head before walking away.

Another video was captioned “VIDEO: Muslim Destroys a Statue of Virgin Mary!

In it, a bearded man picks up a statue of the Virgin Mary and slams it to the ground, breaking it into pieces.

The third is called “VIDEO: Islamist mob pushes teenage boy off roof and beats him to death!

A group of men, including one carrying an Islamic State flag, can be seen throwing rocks at two men being held on a roof.

Moments later, one man and then the other are shoved off the roof to a platform about two stories below, where the group converges on them, kicking and punching them.

A woman’s screams and gunfire can be heard in the background.

A spokesman for British Prime Minister Theresa May blasted Trump for retweeting the videos, calling his actions “wrong” and said Britain First deals in “hateful narratives that peddle lies and stoke tensions.”

But F​ransen, who was arrested ​last summer after threatening a woman during a protest involving members of Northern Ireland Against Terrorism in Belfast, was ecstatic that Trump shared her tweets. ​

“The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has retweeted three of deputy leader Jayda Fransen’s Twitter videos … God bless you Trump!” it said.

The credibility of the videos quickly came under suspicion.

The attack on the boy with crutches was part of a video that went viral in May and was eventually picked up by Dutch media.

The police said they arrested two 16-year-old boys but never released any information about their religion.

The video of men on a roof was taken in Egypt in 2013 days after the government of Islamist Mohammed Morsi was overthrown by members of the Egyptian military.

Those involved in throwing the two off the roof were sentenced to death.

The man throwing the blue and white Virgin Mary statue to the ground was a supporter of an al-Qaeda-affiliated group in Syria.

He is seen in the video posted online in October 2013, saying Allah’s law prohibits the worship of “idols” before hurling the statue to the ground, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute.