
The stunning space images of 2017

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This illustration shows the hot, dense, expanding cloud of debris stripped from two neutron stars just before they collided. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; CI Lab
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A medium-sized solar flare and a coronal mass ejection erupting from the same, large active region of the sun. NASA; GSFC; Solar Dynamics Observatory
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Crab Nebula
Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant, assembled by combining data from five telescopes spanning nearly the entire breadth of the electromagnetic spectrum. NASA; ESA; NRAO/AUI/NSF and G. Dubner (University of Buenos Aires)
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1 of the 16 sunrises Expedition 52 crew members see every day, as the orbiting laboratory travels around Earth. One of the solar panels that provides power to the station is seen in the upper left. NASA
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This artist’s concept shows a black hole with an accretion disk — a flat structure of material orbiting the black hole — and a jet of hot gas, called plasma. NASA; JPL
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This artist’s impression shows what the very distant young galaxy A2744_YD4 might look like. Observations using ALMA have shown that this galaxy, seen when the universe was just 4 percent of its current age, is rich in dust. ESO; M. Kornmesser
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Small but significant
The subject of this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image is a dwarf galaxy named NGC 5949. ESA/Hubble & NASA
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Hurricane Harvey is pictured off the coast of Texas, U.S. from aboard the International Space Station in this NASA handout photo
Hurricane Harvey is pictured off the coast of Texas, U.S. from aboard the International Space Station. REUTERS
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A glimpse of the future
This image, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows what happens when two galaxies become one. ESA/Hubble & NASA
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Over the winter, on Mars, snow and ice have inexorably covered the dunes. Unlike on Earth, this snow and ice is carbon dioxide, better known to us as dry ice. When the sun starts shining on it in the spring, the ice on the smooth surface of the dune cracks and escaping gas carries dark sand out from the dune below, often creating beautiful patterns. On the rough surface between the dunes, frost is trapped behind small sheltered ridges. NASA; JPL; University of Arizona
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This new global view of Earth’s city lights is a composite assembled from data acquired by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite. NASA’s Earth Observatory/NOAA/DOD
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A jet plane flies by the total solar eclipse in Guernsey
A jet plane flies by the total solar eclipse in Guernsey, Wyoming. REUTERS
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There are numerous holes pictured in this Swiss cheese-like landscape, with all-but-one of them showing a dusty, dark, Martian terrain beneath evaporating, light, carbon-dioxide ice. The most unusual hole is on the upper right, spans about 100-meters, and seems to punch through to a lower level. Why this hole exists and why it is surrounded by a circular crater remains a topic of speculation, although a leading hypothesis is that it was created by a meteor impact. NASA; MRO; JPL; HiRISE; U.Arizona