
Hate group leader retweeted by Trump asks for his help to avoid jail

The Britain First wingnut whose anti-Muslim Twitter videos inspired President Trump to retweet them on Wednesday made an emotional appeal on Facebook to the commander-in-chief to keep her out of jail.

“This is a message to President of the United States Donald Trump. I’d like to start by saying how delighted I am that as the leader of the free world you took the time out to retweet three of my videos on Twitter today,” said Jayda Fransen, deputy director of the far-right, white nationalist group.

“You’ve shed light on my plight here in Britain in that I am facing prison for giving a speech in which I criticized Islam. This is evidence that Britain has become Sharia compliant, and our establishment have now instituted legislation that constitutes blasphemy laws here in the UK. “

She then asks Trump — whose retweets were slammed by a broad range of UK pols, including Prime Minister Theresa May — to intervene in a British court case in which she’s facing criminal charges for comments she made in a speech in Belfast.

“On behalf of myself and every citizen in Britain, and for everyone, for every man and woman that has fought bled and died for us to have the freedom of speech, I’m appealing to you for your help,” said Fransen, clad in a black shirt and pink blazer and wearing a Christian cross.

“I’m appealing for your intervention before I am thrown in jail and I will receive the same treatment, just for speaking out.”

The suburban Londoner, 31, was convicted of religiously aggravated harassment in November 2016 after verbally abusing a woman wearing a hijab in front of the woman’s four children.

She was busted again earlier this month after comments she made during the speech in Northern Ireland.