US News

Workers uncover huge concrete swastika in Hamburg

Workers in Hamburg have unearthed a giant concrete swastika while digging up ground to build changing rooms on an athletic field, according to reports.

An excavator hit the 13-by-13-foot Nazi relic about 16 inches below the surface, Billstedt-Horn sports club head Joachim Schirmer told the Local of Germany.

Club members at the Hein-Kling stadium in the city’s Billstedt district said the swastika served as a foundation for a monument that was torn down decades ago.

City officials said they want the odious monolith removed as quickly as possible. Because it’s too heavy to be transported away, they are planning to destroy it with jackhammers.

After World War II, Germany passed strict laws banning Nazi symbols and hate speech involving Third Reich ideology.

With Post wires