
Group wants MTA boss Joe Lhota probed over lobbying

A government watchdog group is demanding that state investigators launch a probe into MTA Chief Joe Lhota’s lobbying activities.

Common Cause New York sent a letter to New York State Authorities Budget Office on Wednesday, asking it to probe Lhota, who is registered to lobby on behalf of NYU Hospitals Center.

“Since Mr. Lhota is now the CEO of the MTA, Common Cause/NY believes it is against the law for him to continue as a registered lobbyist for a private company,” the group said.

Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause NY, called it an “apparent conflict of interest.”

“The ABO should investigate Mr. Lhota swiftly and act accordingly,” she said in a statement.

Lhota said Wednesday he hasn’t done any lobbying since becoming the chairman of the MTA in June.

“It’s been determined I’m not an employee of the MTA, I’m a per diem, like a board member,” he said. “I haven’t done any lobbying since I took this position. Thinking this might come up, I made sure it was iron clad and not a particular issue.”