Sex & Relationships

Sleeping with other people keeps our marriage strong

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Laura and Mike Leonard say that their marriage is strong thanks to being polyamorous. Caters News Agency
Caters News Agency
Caters News Agency
Caters News Agency
Caters News Agency
Caters News Agency
Caters News Agency

Laura and Mike Leonard, both 28, have been happily married for three years. Their secret to a successful union? Sleeping with other people.

Since getting married in 2015, the Leonards have practiced polyamory, or having multiple romantic partners. Both have slept with more than 10 other people outside of their relationship.

Laura, who lives with her husband and their 5-year-old son, Ian, in California, tells Caters News Agency: “Having sex with other people has nothing to do with us ‘being cheaters.’ We both just need more than one sexual partner to fulfill our needs.”

Laura, a customer service adviser, currently splits her attention among her husband, boyfriend and girlfriend. Mike is not currently dating anyone else.

“Although I can get jealous of her other partners, she does her best to ensure she divides her time between us all,” Mike says.

It’s a balancing act, but Laura and Mike think they’re up to it.

“Myself and Mike have adult responsibilities like our house and Ian to consider,” Laura says. “Polyamory isn’t for everyone, but I think if most people were themselves, they’d realize that one single person cannot possibly give them everything they need.”