
Trump pollster thinks Sanders would have won 2016 election

The pollster for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign said he believes Bernie Sanders could have won the 2016 election had he won the Democratic nomination instead of Hillary Clinton.

Asked during an event at Harvard University who would have prevailed in a race between Sanders and Trump, Tony Fabrizio said: “I think Sanders beats Trump,” The Hill reported.

“I think Sanders would have had the ability to reach a lot of the less than college-educated, low-income white voters,” he said at the event for the Harvard University Institute of Politics on Monday evening.

Writing in “What Happened,” Clinton’s memoir about the election, she blamed Sanders, a Vermont independent, for attacking her with “innuendo” and said he did little to help her rally progressives after she won the nomination.

Fabrizio said the contest between Trump and Clinton was one for the ages.

“There’s no question that if it had been anybody other than Clinton or anybody other than Trump, that race would not have been as close as it was either way,” he said. “It would not have been.”