
The Post’s picks for City Council

New York’s City Council has taken a hard-left turn, moving it far outside the mainstream — even for what is virtually a one-party town. That has to change.

The council has decriminalized quality-of-life offenses and abetted Mayor de Blasio’s agenda of throwing money at problems without solving them. And many members want to further handcuff the NYPD.

For council members who will hold City Hall accountable, The Post endorses:

District 4 (Manhattan): Rebecca Harary, a Republican district leader, is an experienced small-business leader who will push for ethics and budget reforms. Democratic candidate Keith Powers is a registered lobbyist with powerhouse firm Constantinople & Vallone who would only add to the swamp of conflicts de Blasio has created at City Hall.

District 13 (Bronx): John Cerini’s record as a community advocate and small-business owner makes him the clear choice. A Republican, he is opposed to large-scale development that would ruin the character of the district and well aware of the need to reduce the tax burden on businesses and homeowners.

District 30 (Queens): CUNY professor Robert Holden is a registered Democrat running on the GOP, Conservative and Reform lines. With deep roots in the community, he would bring independence and common sense to the council. Holden led the fight against converting a Maspeth motel into a homeless shelter. Nine-year incumbent Democrat Elizabeth Crowley is a de Blasio supporter who has been on the wrong side of that Maspeth shelter, charter schools and closing Rikers.

District 32 (Queens): Republican incumbent Eric Ulrich is a strong supporter of charter schools, school choice, education reform and tuition tax credits, and a frequent critic of the mayor on police issues, homeless policies and the slow pace of Sandy recovery. He has also drawn the ire of Queens Democratic boss Rep. Joe Crowley for filing an ethics complaint against his cousin, Council Member Elizabeth Crowley (see above). For standing up to both the mayor and the Queens Democratic machine, Ulrich richly deserves re-election.

District 43 (Brooklyn): John Quaglione won a competitive Republican primary with nearly 50 percent of the vote. His strong stance on crime, safety and quality-of-life issues has won him the support of the police unions. His opponent, Justin Brannan, who recently worked at the Department of Education, is backed by de Blasio. We strongly urge a vote for Quaglione.