
Tech execs admit they can’t stop Russian social media meddling

Execs from Facebook, Google and Twitter told Congress Tuesday they aren’t sure they know the full extent of Russia’s manipulation of social media in the US presidential election — and don’t have the technology to prevent it from happening again.

“It really is a global threat,” ­Colin Stretch, Facebook’s general counsel, said at a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing when asked if countries such as North Korea and Iran could also use subterfuge to meddle in American politics.

The session was the first in two days of hearings before three congressional committees as the technology giants face demands for change — and the threat of new legislation to regulate political advertising — after they admitted Russia mounted a massive effort to sow discord among the electorate.

While Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, the subcommittee’s chairman, said social-media platforms have failed to combat disinformation spread by foreigners, he cautioned that imposing new regulations on the companies may raise constitutional issues.

“The manipulation of social-me­dia sites by terrorist organizations and foreign governments is one of the greatest challenges to American democracy and a significant threat to our national security in the 21st century,” ­Graham said.

He said the hearing would help determine whether “legislative solutions are necessary and can be constructed consistent with our Constitution and values.”

Democrats on the panel made it clear they will press harder for legislative action on the technology companies, which have become major lobbyists and campaign contributors in DC.

Subcommittee member Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, told reporters legislation is needed because “I doubt they found all the ads and posts. The practice and potential abuse are ongoing right now. Disinformation is going to become exponentially more rampant.”

Stretch said 29 million people were directly served content from accounts backed by the Internet Research Agency, a pro-Kremlin Russian group.

After those posts were liked, shared and commented on via Facebook’s social network, they landed in the news feeds of about 126 million people at some point over a two-year period — a number equal to about 40 percent of the US population.

Twitter found 2,752 accounts associated with the IRA, according to its acting general counsel, Sean Edgett — more than 10 times the number initially disclosed.

Edgett made clear Twitter continues to investigate.

Google said the impact on its sites was much smaller, with $4,700 worth of ads linked to the Russian group, compared with the $100,000 Facebook disclosed.

None of the media giants said they will back legislation to require all social-media ads to include disclosures about the buyers.

But they said they’d be willing to work with bill author Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) on finding a solution that works for everyone.

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) said he’s proud these are American companies, “but your power sometimes scares me.”

Under tough questioning from Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), Facebook’s Stretch admitted it should have been quicker to shut down Russians buying Facebook ads with rubles.

“In hindsight, it’s one we missed,” Stretch said.

Additional reporting by Marisa Schultz