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Serial killer couldn’t figure out how to dispose of bodies without getting caught: cops

A Japanese sicko told cops he was living with the body parts of nine people he killed because he couldn’t simply throw out the remains “out of fear for being caught,” according to a report Tuesday.

Takahiro Shiraishi admitted to assaulting some of his victims and that he intended to rape them, Kyodo News reported.

“I killed nine people since I moved [into the apartment] on Aug. 22,” Shiraishi told police.

He said stealing money was a reason behind his murder spree and that he mutilated the bodies for a very pragmatic reason.

“I couldn’t throw away [the bodies] out of fear for being caught,” he told police.

Cops were investigating a missing 23-year-old woman when they discovered the dismembered bodies of eight women and one man stuffed inside cold-storage containers inside

Shiraishi’s home in Zama city. A saw believed to have been used in the killings was also found at the home.

Shiraishi admitted to killing the missing woman shortly after they met through Twitter, where she’d posted suicidal messages, police said.

The victim wrote Sept. 20 that she was “looking for someone who will die with me” and that she “wants to die but is scared of dying alone.”

Shiraishi, who worked as a recruiter for a sex-related business in the Kabukicho district, told police he sent a message to the woman on Twitter, saying, “Let’s die together.”

Shiraishi said of one of his victims, “I dismembered it in the bathroom, disposing of some body parts in the garbage.”