
Senate candidate sends tone-deaf donation email after NYC truck attack

A tone-deaf candidate for state Senate sent out an email fundraising pitch just hours after the terror attack that killed eight people in lower Manhattan — and even referenced the tragedy in his quest for cash.

The candidate with his hands out is Robert Jackson, who is not even on the ballot until next year.

“I know it’s getting late and this is a busy and tragic night … We are still working hard to hit our important end-of-month goal,” Jackson said.

He then provides a link to contribute.

“I am very appreciative of all you do for us, and our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and families of this afternoon’s lower Manhattan attack,” Jackson said.

He signs off, saying, “Stay safe tonight — Robert.”

New Yorkers cried foul.

“Linking tragedy with fundraising is uncharacteristically insensitive of Robert Jackson but apparently that’s what politics does to people,” said Michael Palladino, president of the New York City Detectives’ Endowment Association.

Former US Sen. Al D’Amato called the money pitch “sad” and “classless.”

“This shows how depraved a politician’s mind can be when he’ll use a tragedy as part of a fundraising pitch.”