Sex & Relationships

I dumped my boyfriend after he said my vagina smelled off

Correction: An earlier headline on this story incorrectly stated that the doctor’s boyfriend dumped her. It has been updated to reflect that the doctor, in fact, dumped her boyfriend.

A doctor has urged other women to break up with any partners who criticize their vaginas — after sharing her own personal experience with a nasty fella.

Dr. Jen Gunter spoke out after commenting on recent reports that women have been using Vicks VapoRub to cleanse their vaginas.

Writing on her blog, the Canadian gynecologist slammed the ridiculous trend before revealing that she had previously broken up with a man who had criticized her privates.

She said: “For what I am sure is the 100th time the vagina needs no cleaning and the vulva needs very little.

“I know the array of useless feminine washes and wipes at the drugstore and the drivel spouted by Gwyneth Paltrow via GOOP imply otherwise, but I’m the actual expert.”

Gunter then shared a very personal story about the time she ditched a man who made disparaging comments about her vagina.

She writes: “I once dated a guy who insinuated my vagina did not smell right.

“He was an a-s in other ways too, but I just didn’t see it until he impugned my vagina. For example, he [thought] my hair would be better if it were straight. Sadly I took the bait, it wasn’t.

“He thought I would look better if I dressed a certain way. Again I took the bait. I just felt worse.

“When it came around to telling me how my vagina could be better it finally clicked that this is a form of control that men often use.

“Fortunately I am an appropriately confident vagina expert and I had a light bulb moment and dumped his sorry ass.

“I realize this may border on TMI [too much information], but honestly if it happened to me I bet it has happened to other women.”

The impassioned post continues: “If you think you have a medical condition, see a doctor. If your partner insinuates that an artificial smell is preferable to the smell of a normal vagina they are the one who has an issue.

“Telling women how they can be better is a classic way of tapping into body image issues and honestly in my personal opinion it is a form of abuse.”