
Malliotakis wants matching funds withheld from de Blasio

Republican mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis demanded Tuesday that the city Campaign Finance Board withhold and “freeze” matching funds to Mayor de Blasio’s campaign over allegations that one of his 2013 bundlers used straw donors, which is a crime.

“They have to freeze the funds. There’s only a week until the election and the money will be spent,” Malliotakis said during a press conference outside the board’s downtown offices. “Straw donations are illegal. It is a way for candidates and donors to circumvent the system and it is wrong.”

De Blasio donor Jona Rechnitz testified last week during the corruption trial of former correction union president Norman Seabrook that he used straw donors to make campaign contributions to the mayor.

Since then de Blasio has tarred Rechnitz as a “liar” and felon. When asked about Rechnitz’ credibility, Malliotakis suggested Hizzoner take a look in the mirror.

“I think Bill de Blasio is a liar,” she said. “He is lying when he says he doesn’t recall whether he asked [for] or received $100,000.”

Rechnitz testified last week that de Blasio personally called him to request more than $100,000 for an effort to swing the state Senate to Democratic control.

But the mayor said Sunday he couldn’t remember the exchange.

De Blasio’s campaign dismissed the Staten Island assemblywoman’s demands as a “stunt.”

“This is another silly stunt from a candidate who has no ideas for New York City and is desperate to make voters forget about her strong support for Donald Trump and his far-right agenda,” campaign spokesman Dan Levitan said.

The Campaign Finance Board announced last week that it would review Rechnitz’ testimony.

It can’t withhold or freeze 2017 matching funds based on violations that may or may not have occurred in 2013, said board spokesman Matt Sollars.

“By law, public funds determinations are based on actions in the current election,” Sollars said.