
Jeb ​Hensarling announces he won’t seek re-election

A Republican ​House member ​from Texas said on Tuesday that he will not seek re-election, ​adding to the list of GOP lawmakers who have announced their retirements from Congress.

“Today I am announcing that I will not seek reelection to the US Congress in 2018. Although service in Congress remains the greatest privilege of my life, I never intended to make it a lifetime commitment, and I have already stayed far longer than I had originally planned,” ​Rep. Jeb ​Hensarling wrote to supporters​, the Dallas Morning News reported​.

​Hensarling, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, has been a House member since 2003.

In September Republican Reps. Dave Reichert of Washington and Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania announced their retirements.

​In the Senate, two vocal critics of President Trump — Bob Corker of ​Tennesse and Jeff Flake of Arizona — recently announced they would not seek another term.

Hensarling, who represents an area of Texas that Trump won with 63 percent of the vote, said he’s leaving to spend more time with family.

“Since my term as ​c​hairman of the House Financial Services Committee comes to an end next year, the time seems right for my departure,” he wrote in ​the ​statement. “Although I will not be running for reelection, there are 14 months left in my congressional term to continue the fight for individual liberty, free enterprise, and limited constitutional government – the causes for which I remain passionate.”