
Black licorice is bad for your heart, FDA warns

Black licorice can be more of a trick than a treat, officials warned Tuesday.

The chewy goodie is chock-full of a substance that can cause a heart failure, muscle weakness and lethargy, the Federal Drug Administration said in a Halloween-themed video.

“Remember, don’t eat large amounts of black licorice at one time,” it cautions in a spooky public service video. “The FDA ‘witches’ you a happy and safe Halloween.”

The candy contains, glycyrrhizin, which can decrease a person’s potassium levels — leading to abnormal heart rhythms and even congenital heart failure, according to the FDA.

Some people experience swelling and high blood pressure after chowing down on the treat, the officials note. The candy can also interact negatively with certain medications, herbs and dietary supplements.

The chances of falling ill from the sweet is higher if you are over 40 years old and gobble down more than 2 ounces of black licorice a day for at least two weeks, according to the UK’s National Health Service.