
These futuristic treatments may help you run faster

Carbo-loading with pasta? So passe. Runners are seeking new ways to prepare for the race — and heal their bodies after — with these futuristic, alternative treatments.

Salt solution

Courtesy of Modrn Sanctuary

Stop by Midtown Zen zone Modrn Sanctuary — a collective of alternative practitioners — for a $20 30-minute session in the new salt room. Walls are made of Himalayan salt bricks, while saline aerosol is dispersed through the air.

“Keeping your airways clean and clear [is important for running],” says founder Alexandra Janelli. “If you have a sinus infection or a cold, speak to your doctor, but the salt’s going to go in and dry that out, and clear out any mucus.” 12 W. 27th St.; 212-675-9355


Stefania Curto

Fit in last-minute miles on one of Finish Line PT’s anti-gravity Alter-G treadmills, which reduce the impact on a runner’s joints by rendering legs nearly weightless.

“It’ll take a little bit of the pressure off,” says community manager Sara Hunninghake, so knees are pain-free on race day. A 30-minute session costs $25 for non-patients, with discounted packages available. Locations at 119 W. 23rd St. and 212 E. 57th St.; 212-486-8573 for both

Cold air

Trendy cryotherapy can help marathoners, too, says Fuel Stop founder Mila Jouravleva. “When they do it before the run, they get more endurance, more energy,” she says, explaining that a 4-minute session in the shop’s cryotherapy chamber can reduce inflammation from training.

The Fuel Stop uses electricity to cool the chamber, rather than the nitrogen used elsewhere, so customers can submerge fully in the minus-230-degree air. Runners with marathon bibs get 50 percent off the regular $70 price on Sunday and Monday. 200 Central Park South; 212-235-1066

Running boots

Courtesy of Tone House

Marathoners get a free 30 minutes in Tone House’s NormaTec boots, which massage tired legs from foot to hip. “You come in and show us your bib, and we give you the boots,” says head coach Adrian Williams.

He compares the effects to foam rolling: “The boots fill with air, and the air pockets massage your legs, so it’s supposed to increase blood flow to muscle tissues.” That can leave muscles ready for movement pre-race, and help flush out lactic acid afterward.

“Any increased circulation is going to be a good thing for rebuilding muscles,” says Williams. “It only helps.” Locations at 32 E. 31st St.; 646-453-6633; and 201 E. 71st St.; 646-492-5980