US News

Satanic church shames district over corporal punishment

Satan is not into flogging anymore.
Responding to a Texas school district’s reinstatement of corporal punishment, a satanic church has erected a billboard there that reads “Our religion doesn’t believe in hitting children.”
The message of peace posted on Route 281 is accompanied by a demonic-looking goat head, an inverted red pentagram and a tagline that says “paid for by the Satanic Temple.”

Trustees in the Three Rivers Independent School District recently voted 6-0 to allow administrators to paddle kids who misbehave — as long as their parents first sign a waiver, according to reports.
The Satanic Temple called the practice — one of several punishments often included in artistic depictions of hell — “sadistic” and “barbaric.”
“We find it sad and irresponsible that the Three Rivers Independent School District would be backward enough to re-introduce this barbaric and counterproductive practice into their schools,” church spokesman Lucien Greaves said in a statement.
The temple is trying to offer shelter to youngsters by claiming kids can ask to be spared a beating if such punishments are against their religion.
“We hold among our tenets that ‘The body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone’. As such, we have launched a campaign to offer an exemption against corporal punishment and solitary confinement to any student who shares this deeply held belief,” Greaves said.
Reps from the Three Rivers Independent School District, which encompasses two campuses situated halfway between San Antonio and Corpus Christi, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
The church announced last year it would start an after-school program in Big Apple classrooms.