US News

McCain demands answers on deadly Niger attack

John McCain said Wednesday the White House has not been forthcoming about the ambush that killed four US soldiers in Niger and he wants more information.

The Arizona Republican and head of the Armed Services Committee curtly replied “No” when asked whether the Trump administration has been transparent and helpful in releasing information about the attacks.

“That’s why we’re called the Senate Armed Services Committee. It’s because we have oversight of our military,” McCain said, according to CNN. “So we deserve to have all the information.”

McCain added that he will decide whether an “investigation” is needed after his panel receives the information it “deserves and needs.”

The Department of Defense has launched an investigation into the surprise Oct. 4 attack and US Africa Command has sent investigators into the region to help determine exactly what took place.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders was asked about details of the raid Thursday and replied, “I believe they’re still looking into the details of that.”