US News

Florida AG: O.J. Simpson isn’t welcome here

The Orange State’s top prosecutor is putting the squeeze on OJ Simpson.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said Sunday morning that the newly paroled Simpson is not welcome there.

“I’ve handled parole hearings my entire time as a prosecutor and … I have never seen such lack of remorse in my entire career,” Bondi told “Fox and Friends,” referring to the July hearing that led to Simpson’s early release from a Nevada prison for an armed robbery.

“Other than his complete lack of remorse, he wants to come to Florida and golf all over our state, and I don’t want that to happen.”

The retired NFLer was released on parole early Sunday after a nine-year stint in the slammer on a 33-year sentence for robbing sports-memorabilia dealers in a Las Vegas hotel room in 2007, and his attorney said Friday there is “no doubt he’s going to Florida.”

He’s subject to five years of supervised release, but that time could be reduced for good behavior. Bondi pledged particularly stringent supervision if O.J. comes to Florida.

“You’re not gonna report in [to parole officers] by mail, O.J. Simpson,” she warned. “You’re gonna have travel restrictions, you’re gonna get alcohol tested, you’re not gonna be able to drink in our state.”

Simpson is believed to be staying in Nevada temporarily before heading to the Sunshine State, where he has a standing offer to live with pal Tom Scotto in Naples.

“His buddy who he wants to live with is still tweeting jokes about, ‘The Juice is on the loose,’” Bondi fumed Sunday.

Simpson’s presence could also embarrass his adult children living there, Bondi said.

“It’s a shame, frankly, because his children have led really good lives — they’ve chosen to live under anonymity, and now he’s gonna bring them to the forefront of this.”

Simpson’s kids — Sydney Simpson, 31, and her brother Justin, 28 — have built a mini-real estate empire in St. Petersburg near Naples over the last two years.

The AG wrote a letter to Florida Department of Corrections on Friday, urging the agency to tell Nevada officials that Florida doesn’t want Simpson living there on parole.

Simpson was famously acquitted in the 1994 killings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman at Brown Simpson’s Los Angeles home. He still has to pay the victims’ families $33.5 million, because he was found liable for their deaths in a 1997 civil court case.