Food & Drink

Man charged with poisoning baby food in extortion plot

A German man is charged with threatening to disperse poisoned baby food throughout stores in Europe if the companies didn’t fork over $11.8 million in blackmail money.

Authorities cuffed the 53-year-old suspect on Friday after recovering five jars of baby food tainted with ethylene glycol – a compound used in antifreeze – at stores in the southern German city of Friedrichshafen.

The accused extortionist’s DNA was found on the contaminated jars, and pictures taken by a supermarket surveillance camera matched the suspect.

Police released surveillance stills of the suspect to the public that showed the man wearing a white beanie, a black coat, white button-up and glasses.

The man has “psychological problems,” according cops quoted in Bild, a German newspaper. The suspect’s name was withheld under German privacy laws.

Authorities are “of the firm opinion” that the nabbed alleged racketeer is the only culprit and no others were involved, said chief prosecutor Alexander Boger said at a news conference Saturday, said the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

Authorities believe they found all of the food contaminated by the suspect.

But they nonetheless urged consumers to be wary of contaminated foods and tampered food packaging. “Consumers should remain vigilant when shopping,” a police officer told Suddeutsche Zeitung.

A manhunt was launched earlier this month after the perpetrator emailed police and several companies with his demands. He threatened to poison 20 jars of baby food if stores didn’t pay the $11.8 million — equal to 10 million euros — by Saturday.

The extortionist then sent a follow-up email detailing where the toxic food was placed.

The suspect, who as of Saturday had not confessed, faces 5 to 15 years of jail time for extortion under threat of force.

He may also be charged with attempted homicide, which could land him in jail for life.