
Kelly trying to restrict Kushner’s access to Trump

Jared Kushner came under fresh fire Saturday with two new reports stating that senior White House officials are frustrated over his unregulated access to President Trump.

The stories came just days after the Senate intelligence Committee revealed that the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser had used private email to conduct official business — an offense that mirrors the one Trump hammered Hillary Clinton about during last year’s campaign — and amid the continuing scrutiny of Russia’s role in the 2016 campaign.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is trying to limit Kushner’s ready access to the president as he continues to assert control over the West Wing since taking over in July, Politico reported.

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reported that White House Counsel Don McGahn this summer was so frustrated about the lack of protocols surrounding meetings between the president and Kushner, that there were concerns the top lawyer would quit.

McGahn’s main worry was that meetings between Kushner and Trump could be construed by investigators in the Russia probe as an effort to coordinate their stories.