Steve Serby

Steve Serby


Jermaine Kearse on Ochocinco, the Jets and giving Marshawn Lynch the ball

Post columnist Steve Serby catches up with Jets receiver Jermaine Kearse for some Q&A.

Q: What is your on-field mentality?
A: Just be a dog. Whatever it takes to win football games, whether that’s catching footballs, run blocking … Ultimately, just have a savage mindset. And just go out there and just have fun. I don’t feel like I’m a different guy from the guy that I was previously in Seattle. I had to fight my way to get into the team in Seattle. I was on the practice squad for about half a year, and then, when I finally got on the team, I didn’t really look back, but I never changed that mindset. I never forget that 32 teams still passed on me in the draft. Me and Doug Baldwin talk about it every single game day — even though I’m here, we’ll still text each other to remind each other that the reality is 32 teams did pass on us, including this team, including Seattle. So it’s something that we just don’t forget.

Q: Every game?
A: Every game.

Q: What drives you?
A: My family. … I’m always the type of guy who doesn’t really try to prove the doubters wrong, but more so my supporters right. But also, there are some doubters that kind of keep that chip on the shoulder and really keeps it going. But ultimately, I’m a competitor, and it’s in everything I do — it could be pickup basketball, it could be cornhole, it could be ping pong, it don’t matter. I’m trying to win at everything that I do. That’s just kind of how I train myself mentally and physically.

Q: What are your thoughts on rookie Jets safeties Jamal Adams and Marcus Maye.
A: These two dudes I really like. I think these guys are gonna be All-Pro safeties. I’ve got to be around some potential Hall of Fame safeties with Kam [Chancellor] and Earl [Thomas], and not comparing them to Kam and Earl, but … those guys are some ballers. I tell ’em every time I enjoy watching them play every game, and for them to have that type of impression on me for only being some rookies, it tells you a lot of what the potential that they have.

Q: How would you compare them style-wise?
A: I always mess with Marcus and say he can only cover the hashes, but he moves around the field. I would kind of compare him more with Earl, and Jamal with Kam. Jamal, he’s a hitter, he’s gonna hit you, not saying Marcus won’t but … they got the swag. I think that’s something very important: They play with swag, they play with confidence, and it shows on the field.

Chad Ochocinco on DTWS.ABC

Q: Who was the first football player you liked?
A: Chad Johnson. I just liked his demeanor on the field, and obviously he was an entertaining player, but I’ve had the chance to watch his craft and watch him work and I admire his skill set and what he’s able to do.

Q: Who are receivers today you like watching?
A: Doug Baldwin. I think Doug Baldwin is for sure top three in the league. I like watching Julio Jones … Antonio Brown.

Q: How would you describe your style as a receiver?
A: I feel like I can do a little bit of everything. I try to teach myself how to play on the outside, be able to play in the slot … just be versatile.

Q: What was it like holding the Lombardi Trophy after beating the Broncos in Super Bowl XLVIII at MetLife Stadium?
A: It’s a feeling of satisfaction knowing that you completed the ultimate goal at the highest level, winning a championship at the highest level of your sport.

Q: What was the emotion of losing a Super Bowl the next year to the Patriots?
A: Obviously it’s not a good feeling, especially the way we lost it. It’s like getting the wind knocked out of you.

Q: Describe Russell Wilson’s interception from the 1.
A: I was right there. It’s just unfortunate to be able to drive down there and get to where were, and then lose it on a play like that, and just watch the other team celebrate when you know you had a chance to do something great.

Q: Did you think Marshawn Lynch should have gotten the ball?
A: I think everybody thought Marshawn should have got the ball (chuckle).

Q: What was he like as a teammate?
A: I love everything about him. You talk about somebody who’s true to themself, and who doesn’t care what anybody thinks of who he is. That’s the type of guy I want to be around.

Q: How many times have you watched your incredible catch n Super Bowl XLIX?
A: I mean, I don’t go YouTube it every day or anything. I will see it if it’s like on a news feed or someone tweets at me or Instagrams me or something, but it’s not like I go search it (laugh).

Q: How did you make that catch?
A: Just a will to make a play, really. When it’s in the heat of the moment, you’re not thinking that much, things just kind of happen, you just let your natural ability take over, and that’s what happened.

Q: Describe your first TD catch.
A: Against the Carolina Panthers [Week 1 of 2013]. It was in Carolina actually, too. And it was a [fourth-quarter] touchdown to put us ahead, too [in a 12-7 win]. It was a long Go ball [43 yards].

Q: Describe the Fail Mary play with replacement refs against the Packers in 2012.
A: Crazy, crazy, crazy play. One of my best friends, Golden Tate, got the touchdown. I still think it’s a touchdown (laugh). Till you prove me otherwise, it’s a touchdown. Tie goes to the receiver.

Q: Describe your 35-yard overtime catch to complete an incredible comeback in the 2014 NFC Championship game against the Packers.
A: You got four targets, four interceptions. I feel like anybody would kind of just shut down, but I chose not to feel sorry for myself and just stay in it because I knew at some point, I was gonna have an opportunity and I was gonna have to perform. I felt like in that game, everything that could go wrong went wrong, but everything that had to go right for us to win, went right.

Q: What was the 2014 New York Super Bowl experience like?
A: It was cool. It felt like a normal practice week for us, because we trained ourselves to think every week is a championship week and I know that sounds super-cliche and kind of basic and broad, but that’s how we treated it. So going into that week was no different than going into Week 2 or Week 7 or Week 13.

Q: Describe Seattle coach Pete Carroll.
A: I think Pete will be one of the top coaches in the history of football. I truly think he kind of has it figured out to a sense. His energy, the environment that he creates, allows the best of people to come out.

Q: Russell Wilson.
A: Just a competitor, you know? He doesn’t let things really faze him. He grinds it out to the very end, and when the game’s on the line, he comes through.

Q: Richard Sherman.
A: One of my best friends. I feel like the media portrays him to be a certain guy, but once you get to know him and you know who he is and what he stands for … I know the real Sherm, and that’s my brother.

Q: Josh McCown.
A: Natural leader. A guy that comes out every day, puts his hard hat on and works. And tries to get better every day.

Q: Todd Bowles.
A: He kind of reminds me of Pete a little bit as far as being personal with his players, and knowing his players.

Q: Favorite inspirational or motivational saying?
A: Football is unique and different because it takes all 11 guys to be successful on one play. So I would say, “The bigger the sacrifice, the greater the reward.” Especially offensively, you only get one ball (chuckle). And then, it’s gonna be hard, but it’s gonna be worth it.

Deion SandersAP

Q: Who is one cornerback in history you would have liked to test your skills against?
A: Deion [Sanders]. You always want to go against the best.

Q: If you could pick the brain of one wide receiver in history.
A: Larry Fitzgerald.

Q: Why him?
A: For him to be in the league as long as he is and still you can watch him and still see the things that he does. He’s a smart player, and he knows what he’s really good at. I feel like we have similar skillsets.

Q: Who are athletes in other sports you admire?
A: Kobe Bryant. I admire his mindset, the way he goes about his game, the way he goes about competing. He’s a competitive dude. The ultimate competitor. I’m a big Tiger Woods fan. That guy dominated a sport.

Q: How has fatherhood changed your life?
A: Living life for someone other than yourself. You kind of completely become selfless. Everything is my daughter first, my family first, my wife first. It just makes you kind of look at life differently. I feel like as humans we get stuck in our own perspective. It’s natural, but to be able to just remove yourself from your own perspective and try to look at things differently. … Just be transparent with yourself. I think that’s important.

Q: Your daughter Rylee is 3 months old. Are you good at diaper-changing?
A: Yeah. Like I said, I’m a competitor, so I always try to compete to see how fast I can change one (smile).

Q: Do you watch tape?
A: (Laugh) I don’t go that far.

Q: What kind of personality does she have?
A: She sleeps like her mom, but when she’s up, she’s up. She wakes up pretty early, and that’s kind of how I am. It’s developing.

Q: How devastating was losing your father in 2007?
A: It was tough. You’re talking about someone who’s like at all your sporting events, took you to practice and then suddenly they’re gone, especially like right before my senior year in high school. It was a tough thing, but that’s when you lean on your family and their support system. That kind of stuff helps.

Q: Do you still eat hot fudge sundaes the night before games?
A: I kind of cut down on that. Sometimes you can feel a little sluggish.

Q: When did that start?
A: I want to say it started in college.

Q: How did it start?
A: Saw some ice cream, saw some hot fudge and put two together (laugh).

Q: Hobbies?
A: I like to golf. I can get around the course decently.

Q: What are your personal goals?
A: Win football games, win the AFC East. That’s what I’m focused on right now, winning the AFC East.

Q: What are your thoughts about this team?
A: I don’t get caught up into what people think of us, ’cause at the end of the day, it’s about the guys in this locker room. It’s about not just the guys in this locker room, but the people in this building — from the first floor to the second floor. It don’t matter what the media say about us ’cause you guys don’t go out there on the field and play. We don’t see you guys every day, but people in this building we see and we talk with every day. So that’s who it comes down to. And if we all come to one mindset and one goal, then it don’t matter what the media says about us ’cause we know who we are, we know what we’re about.

Q: You wanted to finish your career in Seattle, right?
A: It’s rare to be able to play in the city you’re from, let alone like go to college [Washington] and then play five years in the pros in the city you’re from … so of course I wanted to end it, but things don’t always go your way. The world doesn’t revolve around me (laugh). I came here, and it was a bittersweet moment. Obviously the relationships that I had to leave behind, the guys that I built relationships with, that part’s tough, but being able to come over here, meet new people, build new relationships. I try to be very opportunistic and optimistic in things that happen in life, and I’m here now and I’m excited to be here, and getting to know the guys here and build those relationships and continue to build them and hopefully create something special here.

Never tell Jermaine Kearse the odds.Lucasfilm

Q: Three dinner guests?
A: Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali and Barack Obama.

Q: Favorite movie?
A: “Star Wars.”

Q: Favorite actor?
A: Will Smith.

Q: Favorite singer/entertainer?
A: Drake, Kendrick Lamar.

Q: Favorite meal?
A: Anything breakfast. I can eat breakfast for lunch and dinner.

Q: What are your thoughts on the protests, Trump etc.?
A: It’s a trying time right now in our country with all the racial tension and the things going on with the police forces and all that, with Trump. People always talk about uniting, and you see on social media and you see some people saying, “Pick a side, it’s either this or either that.” And that’s where I think it gets a little iffy because we’re dividing ourself when we shouldn’t be dividing ourself. Everybody has their own opinion and everybody has the right to their own opinion, whether it’s right or wrong. But hate doesn’t drive out hate. Love can only cure that. We need a little more love.