US News

Hurricane Maria may be coming for North Carolina and Virginia

Hurricane Maria has rolled back into the Atlantic Ocean after demolishing Puerto Rico — and now may be headed north toward the shores of North Carolina, forecasters warned Sunday.

The Weather Channel said the hurricane may blow in close enough to the Outer Banks of North Carolina to cause coastal flooding Wednesday and Thursday, as well as affect parts of the Virginia Tidewater and even the southern Delmarva Peninsula.

Officials are still assessing the heart-breaking damage that Maria wreaked on Puerto Rico last week, where at least 10 people died as a direct result of the hurricane.

The US territory still remains largely without power and communications.

Authorities flew over the island Saturday and were stunned to see roads completely washed away and others blocked by debris, which let thousands of residents isolated. A dam is also still in danger of collapsing.

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said he met with more than 50 mayors and representatives from across Puerto Rico on Saturday.

Some described their communities as “apocalyptic,” adding incidents of looting in both homes and stores, hasn’t helped matters.