US News

South Korean missile could take out Kim Jong Un in minutes: report

The South Koreans have successfully tested a new cruise missile that could wipe out key nuclear sites in the North — which leader Kim Jong Un regularly visits — in just 15 minutes, a report says.

The missile, manufactured by Germany’s Taurus Systems, was fired from an F-15 fighter jet during military drills Tuesday, according to Seoul’s Defense Ministry.

It reportedly travelled through several obstacles at low altitudes before hitting a target along the country’s western coast.

Officials told the Daily Express that the weapon is capable of striking North Korean nuclear sites in approximately 15 minutes — making it a serious threat to Kim’s life.

The dictator is famous for visiting the facilities where his nukes are stored, regularly posing for pictures with his scientists.

He was most recently spotted overseeing the preparations for the North’s latest and most powerful nuclear test on Sept. 3.

South Korea has been working diligently amid ramped up threats from the Hermit Kingdom in recent months.

After the test two weeks ago, Seoul announced it had reached an agreement with Washington to scrap the weight limits on South Korean ballistic missiles in an effort to make more warheads.

The new Taurus missile is a long-range, air-to-surface weapon that has a maximum range of 310 miles.

Officials say it is equipped with specialized stealth characteristics that allow it to fly under radar before hitting its target.

While a pre-emptive strike against the North would be difficult, many experts believe its the only viable solution for South Korea — should they want to avoid an attack from the rogue nation.

North Korea’s latest test has prompted the UN Security Council to approve a new package of economic sanctions against Pyongyang, sparking outrage in the country.

It has since vowed to make the US pay “due price” for spearheading the sanction plans.

“The world will witness how the DPRK tames the U.S. gangsters by taking a series of actions tougher than they have ever envisaged,” a statement from the official KCNA news agency said Monday.

“The DPRK has developed and perfected the super-powerful thermo-nuclear weapon as a means to deter the ever-increasing hostile moves and nuclear threat of the U.S. and defuse the danger of nuclear war looming over the Korean peninsula and the region.”

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