
Swimmer allegedly raped teen after she had sex with Olympic star

Olympics star Ieuan Lloyd had sex with a teenager, then “passed her on” to a fellow swimmer, who raped her, a jury heard yesterday.

The Team GB ace, 24, took the girl to his home after they met in a nightclub, the court was told.

They had sex in his bedroom but he then allegedly “abandoned” her to Commonwealth Games swimmer Otto Putland, 23.

The girl told police she told Lloyd: “What are you doing? You can’t just pass me around.”

Prosecutor Janet McDonald said at Cardiff crown court: “She is a lady just out of school, celebrating freedom from exams.

“She fell for Mr. Lloyd, an Adonis — the man with a six-pack. Was she naive? It matters not. With him it was consensual intercourse.

“But she did not consent with Putland. She did not consent to being passed around.”

Ieuan LloydGetty Images

The girl told police that Lloyd, who swam at London 2012 and in Rio last year, welcomed his pal into the bedroom, then turned out the light and left, closing the door at his Cardiff home.

She said she fled to the bathroom and texted a friend for help — then “blacked out.”

Putland, who swam for Wales in the 2014 Commonwealth Games, was having sex with her when she woke up back in the bed, it was claimed.

The pool star, of Dinedor, Hereford, denies raping her twice.

He is said to have told police the girl flirted with him and the sex was consensual.

He said: “She hadn’t said anything about being passed around.”

The trial continues.