
Majority of Americans believe Trump is ‘tearing the country apart’: poll

A majority of Americans believe President Trump is “tearing the country apart,” and nearly two-thirds are unhappy with the direction the US is headed, a new Fox News poll has found.

Trump earned the negative job rating from 56 percent of voters, while just 33 percent said he was “drawing the country together,” according to the survey.

Dissatisfaction with the state of the nation jumped 11 points since April, to 64 percent. Those satisfied with where the country is fell 10 points, to 35 percent.

Trump earned higher marks among Republicans — about two-thirds said he’s doing good for the country. That’s versus 93 percent of Democrats and 59 percent of independents who said he’s tearing it apart.

More than half of Americans disapproved of the president’s job performance, compared to 41 percent who approved.

The Fox poll of 1,006 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide was conducted Sunday through Tuesday evenings.

Meanwhile, in a separate poll released Thursday, voters said they strongly disapprove of House leaders under Trump — as well as the president himself.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) got a 29 percent “strongly unfavorable” rating while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) received 38 percent.

Forty-eight percent said they had a “strongly unfavorable” impression of Trump. Thirty-six percent marked him favorable — the highest of the three leaders. Pelosi got a 30 percent rating and Ryan received 31 percent in the “favorable” categories.

Nearly half of Americans — 49 percent — said they “strongly disapproved” of the way Trump is handling his job as president.

The nationwide poll was taken from a sample of 10,129 adults over age 18 and conducted by NBC and SurveyMonkey between Aug. 24 and Aug. 29.

It also examined how Americans view immigration policy.

Most — 71 percent — believe undocumented immigrants working in the US should be offered a chance to apply for legal status. And nearly two-thirds said they support the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, which allows “dreamers” who came to the US illegally as kids to stay here.

Six in 10 Americans felt it was wrong for Trump to pardon former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio last week while 34 percent said it was the right call.

Arpaio had been convicted for disobeying a judge’s order to stop racial profiling.