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Middle school student dies after collapsing between classes

A Florida middle school student died after suddenly collapsing between classes just three weeks into the new school year.

Zachary Sealey, 13, fell unconscious Monday while heading to his next class at DeLaura Middle School in Satellite Beach, according to FloridaToday.

School officials said faculty performed CPR on the seventh grader to no avail. Emergency workers rushed him to Holmes Regional Medical Center, where he died later that afternoon.

“He just never regained consciousness,” assistant superintendent Matt Reed told FloridaToday. “EMS was there very, very quickly. They took him to the hospital and sadly we learned later that he had passed away.”

The school district said the cause of death was not known.

“We still don’t have any information as a cause,” said schools spokesperson Jennifer Wolfinger. “Nothing was happening on campus that may have caused it.”

The student, who was a youth football player, was remembered as a “brother and friend” on social media.

“In times like these, it’s important to remember that rivalry does not matter,” the Suntree Viera Youth Football League wrote on Facebook. “Ultimately, the game of football does not matter. The bonds and relationships forged throughout participation, however, matters intensely. Zachary was someone’s son, someone’s friend, and someone’s teammate.”