
Goop accused of ‘deceptive’ health claims

An advertising watchdog slammed Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop, and pleaded with prosecutors to take action against the actress’ lifestyle company that allegedly spouts phony health claims.

Truth in Advertising Inc., based in Madison, Conn., sent letters to the district attorneys of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties in California demanding action against Goop.

“’s investigation revealed that the company uses unsubstantiated, and therefore deceptive, health and disease-treatment claims to market many of its products,” according to the letter sent this week.

“ urges your office to commence an investigation into the marketing claims being made by Goop and take appropriate enforcement action.”

The watchdog group appealed to those two prosecution offices specifically because they sit on a California task force that targets false claims made by makers of health and wellness products.

Truth in Advertising executive director Bonnie Patten lauded the California Food Drug and Medical Device Task Force for scoring a $1 million civil settlement from the as-seen-on-TV makers of My Pillow last year.

“They (the task force) get the job done and Goop is a California company so this was the appropriate” body to ask for action, Patten said.

Truth in Advertising called out Goop’s anti-PMS, headache, insomnia and anxiety remedies, to name just a few.

Goop defended itself and said TINA won’t specifically detail what’s allegedly wrong with company products.

“Goop is dedicated to introducing unique products and offerings and encouraging constructive conversation surrounding new ideas,” according to a company statement.

“While we believe that TINA’s description of our interactions is misleading and their claims unsubstantiated and unfounded, we will continue to evaluate our products and our content and make those improvements that we believe are reasonable and necessary in the interests of our community of users.”