
Is this the world’s scariest vacation picture?

Caters News Agency

This couple’s holiday photos is a bit of a cliffhanger.

More than 1,100 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, Marcelle Rangel da Cunha smiles as her fiancé Luiz Fernando Candeia helps her dangle precariously over the edge of a rock.

Rangel da Cunha, 21, appears to be floating in mid-air with just Candeia and a hand lightly resting on the outcrop to support her.

The stunning backdrop of a blue sea and sandy beach look terrifyingly miniature below when compared to the couple on the rock.

Candeia, a 28-year-old eco-tourism company administrator, said: “The Pedra do Telegrafo stands out for the incredible photos that show people on the edge of the abyss.”

“My fiancée loves adventure and adrenaline, so she really wanted to try it. I’ve done it before, but you need to practice a lot to make it work.”

However, there is a secret to pulling off such jaw-dropping photos – and you don’t even need a head for heights.

It’s all about getting a clever camera angle because there is another plateau directly beneath the rock which makes a safe landing spot.

Candeia said: “You achieve the picture through a specific camera angle that creates an optical illusion.”

Caters News Agency

“When you position the camera at the correct angle the rock looks like an abyss.”

The great photo opportunity has turned the humble rock into one of the biggest tourists attractions in Brazil.

Luiz added: “The Pedra do Telegrafo has become one of the most popular tourist spots in Rio.”

“The number of visitors can already be compared to Christ the Redeemer, so it’s great fun to hang out and take photos there.”