College Football

Heisman winner calls out rival coach for ‘anonymous’ trashing

Lamar Jackson says he knows which coach talked trash about him, and he isn’t worried one bit.

“Yeah, I heard Wake Forest. I heard [it was] the Wake Forest coach [Dave Clawson],” the Louisville quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner told the Louisville Courier-Journal when asked about the anonymously sourced ACC head coach quoted in Sports Illustrated.

The magazine had printed a series of quotes from anonymous coaches, who could speak freely given their cover. One coach ripped into Jackson, saying he’ll be exposed at the next level.

“Jackson has no shot at playing quarterback in the NFL. None. He can’t make the throws and can’t read coverages. He’s not going to have a chance,” the coach told SI.

The rivalry between Louisville and Wake Forest has gained some juice because of the WakeyLeaks scandal that occurred last season. Tommy Elrod, the Demon Deacons’ (now former) radio analyst, was caught sharing information about Wake’s gameplan with Louisville’s offensive coordinator.

Of course, it’s hard to have a hard-fought rivalry when the games aren’t close, which Jackson himself pointed out, saying, “We won [44-12], so I don’t really care.”

The two ACC programs will meet again on Oct. 28 in what is sure to be a charged atmosphere.