John Crudele

John Crudele


What the liberal media is hiding about the Hillary email probe

If the New York Times, the Washington Post and now ABC News aren’t embarrassed yet, then there is no hope for what is called the mainstream media.

Another slew of emails the other day show how these news organizations tried their best to downplay a very suspicious meeting between Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch on an airport tarmac at Phoenix in June 2016.

This was right in the middle of the FBI’s investigation into the disappearance of Hillary Clinton’s emails. Bill Clinton and Lynch said it was a chance meeting, where family matters were discussed.

A few days later, FBI Director James Comey blasted Hillary’s handling of her computers but recommended that she not be charged with any crimes.

Hillary has offered the same nonsensical explanation that Bill used when discussing the tarmac meeting: The missing emails were only about daughter Chelsea’s wedding. And yoga.

Again, that’s the Clintons’ way of saying that Americans are stupid enough to believe anything.

I’m not a big defender of Donald Trump.

But since the rest of the mainstream media is spending all of its time focusing on what Trump and associates might have done in connection with Russia during the campaign, I’ve decided to tell you stories that the Times and Washington Post and almost all the other networks have decided to ignore.

I started in my last column by explaining the terrorism threats that Washington is really focused on.

Call me old-fashioned, but whether you are just a guy on the street with nothing to gain or lose in all this, or an investor hoping that nothing upsets the financial markets, you deserve media that does its job.

Today I’ll explain about the Hillary email investigation.

About a week ago, the House Judiciary Committee asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into the Hillary email situation. Sessions recused himself from the Russian investigation — much to Trump’s dismay — but another look into Hillary’s emails could prove to be very embarrassing for the Democrats.

So you won’t see anything about it in the press.

As I’ve said before, this whole “resistance” to Trump on the part of the Democrats could end up backfiring. Maybe Trump does have something to hide, but the Democrats definitely do.

Hillary’s emails pose several problems. The biggest one is the fact that they are not “missing,” even though everyone assumes they are.

As I’ve written before, a very good source says they are in the possession of American intelligence agencies. How? Spies spy on each other. So the Russians stole Hillary’s BlackBerry password a long time ago and were reading and copying her mail.

But the US National Security Agency was hacking the Russians while Hillary’s emails were being taken. In fact, as I’ve written before, those emails were offered to the FBI, but Comey turned them down.

If Congress persists with an investigation, Hillary’s emails are bound to show up.

There’s now a special prosecutor looking into all things Trump/Russia. He could very easily keep his focus narrow. And even though special counsel Robert Mueller is distrusted by the Republicans, he might actually surprise everyone by being honest and fair — and looking into everything.

And that’s where there is another problem.

Comey, who was fired as FBI head, didn’t tell the whole truth about his investigation of Hillary. He said the decision not to charge her with a crime — even though that wasn’t his job — was unanimous inside the FBI.

Even on the surface, that’s a ludicrous statement, since dozens of agents worked on that case. You can’t get unanimity from a group that size.

But Comey wasn’t really talking about all the agents agreeing. As I’ve also said before, my source tells me that it was actually four people who decided on July 5, 2016 — days after the tarmac meeting — to let Hillary off the hook.

And the motives of three of those four people have now been called into question. More next time.