
Senate leader Flanagan admits he went to alcohol rehab

Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan admitted Sunday he has drinking problem.

The Long Island Republican issued a statement revealing that he got treatment for his alcohol addiction, which he blamed on the pressures of his job.

“I recognized that alcohol was becoming a crutch to deal with pressure I was under related to my responsibilities as Majority Leader of the New York State Senate,” Flanagan said. “Therefore, I proactively took control of the situation and sought immediate help so I could overcome it and move forward.”

The statement indicated he would remain in the senate.

“This is a step I needed to take for myself and for my family, and it will allow me to continue to serve and to give back to my community and state,” the legislator wrote.

Sources said he completed an in-patient treatment some time after the legislative session ended June 21. A spokesman for the senator could not immediately provide further details.

​Flanagan — who along with the governor and Assembly speaker controls the state’s budgeting and legislative pr​o​cesses — was known to drink regularly, according to sources that said Flanagan’s collapsing marriage and his rise to majority lead​​er in 2015 compounded the problem.

“It’s good that he got out in front of it and did something about it,” said one observer who had noticed Flanagan’s excessive drinking. “Good for him.”

Politicians around the state offered their support Sunday evening.

“Alcoholism is a disease. @LeaderFlanagan deserves our respect & support for seeking help & for talking about it as an example for others,” tweeted Gov. Cuomo.

“NY Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan is setting a brave example by getting help. We stand beside him in full support,” Mayor de Blasio tweeted.

“My thoughts are with John and his family and I wish him the best,” Assembly speaker Carl Heastie wrote in a statement.

Rival Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins — with whom Flanagan as often sparred on the Senate floor — tweeted her support.

“John is a good man and I admire his courage. It is my hope that his bravery encourages others who need help to seek it out,” the lawmaker wrote.