
Cuomo still hasn’t said whether he’ll endorse de Blasio

Mayor Bill de Blasio endorsed Gov. Andrew Cuomo for re-election months before the Democratic primary in 2014 — and even helped deliver the left-leaning Working Families Party line to the governor for the general election.

But six weeks before de Blasio has to face Democratic voters, there’s no sign of when — or if — the governor will return the favor.

The Democratic primary this year is Sept. 12.

Instead, New York’s two most powerful Democrats are feuding over mass transit funding amid a public furor over breakdowns in subway and railroad service.

“Three years is an eternity in politics,” said Richard Brodsky, a former Democratic assemblyman from Westchester.

“De Blasio was an absolute essential element of Cuomo’s re-election politics of 2014. De Blasio was essential for the WFP endorsement. He was the difference,” Brodsky recalled.

De Blasio not only backed Cuomo, but came to the aid of his running mate, Kathy Hochul, when she was under fire for taking a hard line on undocumented immigrants as Erie County clerk.

The de Blasio campaign declined to comment and Cuomo’s camp wasn’t talking.

De Blasio is heavily favored to win both the primary and general election.

Cuomo is up for re-election next year.