US News

Woman jailed for wearing fake penis, tricking friend into sex

A British woman who pretended to be a man by wearing a prosthetic penis and tricking her blindfolded friend into having sex with her was sentenced Thursday to six-and-a-half years in prison.

Gayle Newland, 27, was found guilty of three counts of sexual assault in June after a retrial, the BBC reported. She was initially sentenced to eight years in prison in November 2015 when she was found guilty of the same charges, but the conviction was overturned last year when officials declared the judge handling the case was not fair and balanced.

A close friend claimed Newland tricked her by pretending to be a man named Kye Fortune, who she believed was her boyfriend.

Newland and the friend met while they were attending the University of Chester in 2011, The Guardian reported. Newland duped her friend by creating a Facebook page when she was 15 years old to take on the male persona, putting photos of an American man on it to make it more believable.

The friend said in court she was unaware Newland was Fortune because she was always wearing a blindfold when they met. Newland would then wear a strap-on prosthetic penis when they had sex.

“There was no point until the day I took the blindfold off that I thought for one second that a woman was the person behind this,” the friend said in court.

She added that she never would have consented to having sex with Newland if she knew it was her supposed friend. The friend also said she was blindfolded when the pair were hanging out.

Newland was sentenced to an additional six months in jail for defrauding her former employers when she worked at an internet advertising agency. Newland allegedly created 10 fake client profiles between 2014 and 2015.