US News

China releases activists who probed Ivanka Trump shoe factory

Three activists detained after probing labor conditions at a factory that produced shoes for Ivanka Trump’s company have been released on bail by Chinese authorities, according to a report Wednesday.

The activists, working for China Labor Watch, a New York-based group, walked out of a police station in Ganzhou on Wednesday, the final day of their 30-day detention period, the Associated Press reported.

The three were investigating claims that Huajian Group factories in Ganzhou and Dongguan paid low wages and forced employees to work excessive overtime hours.

The company denied the allegations and said it no longer manufacturers shoes for the Trump brand.

The three — Hua Haifeng, Su Heng and Li Zhao — were released on bail pending trial, the news service reported.

They are accused of using bugging and eavesdropping devices during the investigation.