
Sumner Redstone’s ex: Give me $3.75M apartment or take a mental exam

Sumner Redstone’s ex-gal pal is threatening to put the ailing media titan on the exam table if he doesn’t give her a $3.75 million penthouse apartment they once shared at New York’s Hotel Carlyle.

In April, Manuela Herzer, 53, failed to secure a settlement worth tens of millions of dollars in exchange for dropping claims that the 94-year-old wasn’t competent.

Then she lost any chance at the funds when a California judge ruled in May 2016 that Redstone no longer trusted Herzer and wanted his daughter, Shari Redstone, to make decisions about his health.

Now, with nothing but the posh pad left to cling to, Herzer is using the threat of a medical competency exam to get him to leave her the Carlyle pad.

Herzer says the Viacom mogul is too feeble to be fighting over the East 76th St. apartment, which he promised she’d inherit when he dies.

She believes his daughter Shari Redstone is behind the suit to boot Herzer from the pad.

“We contend that Sumner would have never initiated this lawsuit and in fact never submitted an affidavit in support of his motion,” for an expedited ruling, said Herzer’s attorney Ronald Richards.

Herzer served Redstone with a notice on June 9 that she’d be sending a doctor to his Beverly Hills home on June 30 to determine his “decision-making capacity, and the presence of undue influence.”

Redstone’s attorney, Judd Spray, shot back in a June 13 email that he plans to ask the judge overseeing the apartment case for an order protecting his client from Herzer’s probe.

“To be clear, Mr. Redstone will not submit to a medical exam on June 30,” Judd wrote.

Reps for Redstone declined to comment.

The suit over the apartment was filed in Redstone’s name in Manhattan Supreme Court in November 2016.

“Redstone no longer wants to leave the apartmetn to Herzer upon his death,” the suit says, adding that “Herzer…refuses to relinquish her claim to it.”

Herzer argues in recent filings that Redstone’s lawyers tricked her into signing an agreement in 2015 where she acknowledged that the penthouse “belongs exclusively to Sumner” until his death.

Her attorney, Ronald Richards, said Herzer was told the agreement was drafted to avoid gift taxes. Richards said Redstone’s lawyers had Herzer sign the deal without consulting her own attorneys.

Redstone is also suing Herzer and another ex-girlfriend in Los Angeles for the return of $150 million in gifts.