US News

Kellyanne Conway allegedly overheard mocking White House staffers

Top presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway was overheard mocking fellow White House staffers at a Washington, DC, party Thursday — and a spy set up a Twitter account to spread the gory details.

Chief of staff Reince Priebus was one target of scorn, the eavesdropper claimed.

“She had a good/cruel riff mocking @Reince45 in WH staff meetings,” according to one tweet on the @KellyanneLeaks Twitter feed. “ ‘No leaks guuuys’ she said, mimicking him in a dopey voice.”

Conway allegedly scoffed at the White House legislative director: “Honestly, what the f–k does Marc Short do all day?” she asked.

She also allegedly chatted about fallout from the Senate testimony of former FBI Director James Comey, which had taken place earlier in the day.

“She said [President] Trump told her to say ‘Jim Comey will have to wait and see about the tapes’; she added ‘I chose to convert that to ‘no comment.’ ”

Conway “held court for an hour or so,” the snoop tweeted, adding that she talked “loudly.”

The anonymous observer claimed that Conway was speaking off-the-record with several Washington Post reporters — despite her boss’ obsession with stamping out leaks to the press.

Snapshots on the Twitter account, posted Friday, show Conway animatedly gesturing at her listeners and, at one point, burying her face in her hands.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer told Politico that the snoop had misheard the whole conversation.

Spicer said Conway was mocking reporters, not Priebus, for repeated stories about White House turmoil “and how wrong they’ve been.”

And her comments on the possible Comey tapes were meant to explain what lawyers had told staffers to say about the matter, Spicer said.