Claire Atkinson

Claire Atkinson


Hillary needs to move on from her loss already

Hollywood has had its fill of Hillary Clinton’s endless dissection of what went wrong with the election.

Enough already, said one of our Tinseltown tattlers who watched Clinton’s fireside chat with Recode boss Kara Swisher last week in horror.

“She needs to be talking about being a female leader, what she’s doing next,” this person said, adding that the blame game is getting nauseating.

There were groans all around when Clinton appeared at Recode’s Code conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., and lashed out at the lousy state of the Democratic National Commitee’s data operation.

“It was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. I had to inject money into it,” she said. (The DNC’s data guru, Andrew Therriault, tweeted that such comments were “f–king bulls–t.” The tweets are now deleted.)

While President Obama picked up $400,000 for a speech delivered at A&E’s History Channel upfront event a few weeks ago, Clinton apparently gave Swisher a nice big freebie, appearing without charge.

Recode is owned by Vox Media, whose editor-in-chief, Ezra Klein, made several viral videos supporting Clinton’s candidacy.

The former Democratic presidential nominee is also out promoting a new memoir to be released this fall by Simon and Schuster. It is yet untitled.