US News

Concert bomber’s dad praised extremist groups on Facebook

The Manchester suicide bomber‘s father, who was arrested in the Libyan capital this week, praised extremist groups on his Facebook page.

“My greetings of peace to [Jabhat] al-Nusra. [May they be] victorious against the infidels,” Ramadan Abedi wrote in a post translated by BuzzFeed News.

Jabhat al-Nusra is the former name of al Qaeda’s branch in Syria. A former Libyan security official has said Ramadan belongs to the Salafi Jihadi movement, an extreme sect of Salafism that has links to al Qaeda and ISIS.

In 2012, Ramadan also posted a photo of his son Hashim wearing a Nike T-shirt and holding a machine gun.

“Hashim lion… training,” the post says.

Hashim, 20, was also arrested this week, and told Libyan authorities he and his suicide bomber brother Salman Abedi belong to ISIS.