
Feds probing Russian election meddling seek Manafort’s bank records

Federal investigators probing Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election have reportedly requested the banking records of President Trump’s former campaign adviser Paul Manafort.

The Justice Department made the request last month as part of the widening probe to determine whether anyone on Trump’s campaign team had colluded with a foreign power in an effort to interfere with the election, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Also, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman as well as Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. are examining real-estate transactions made by Manafort, the Journal reported.

The revelations come as a grand jury in Virginia has asked for the financial records of associates to Trump’s former National Security adviser Michael Flynn.

Flynn resigned after 23 days on the job when it became public that he misled several administration officials about his contacts with Russia during the presidential campaign.

The FBI is trying to determine whether anyone on Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russian hackers on the dissemination of emails stolen from the Clinton campaign in the run-up to the presidential election.