Sex & Relationships

Man busted having oral sex with woman in McDonald’s

He was definitely lovin’ it.

A Maryland man was caught having oral sex with a woman in the middle of a McDonald’s dining room — in broad daylight, a report says.

Conrad Jablecki, 30, was charged this week with indecent exposure and open lewdness after a worker reported the March 3 incident to police, according to The Smoking Gun.

He had actually been at a Mickey D’s about 40 miles away from his home — in York, Pennsylvania — when the employee spotted him and an unidentified woman engaging in the sex act around 1:11 p.m., cops said.

The individual reportedly kicked the pair out and alerted police.

While Jablecki was apprehended later that day, he wasn’t charged until Monday.

His lady friend had still not been found as of Wednesday night, the Smoking Gun reports.

Jablecki has several prior arrests, including for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct.

He was thrown behind bars for 60 days in 2012 after he exposed himself to a woman and her five-year-old daughter on a Maryland beach, according to records.

On Facebook, Jablecki describes himself as landscaper with “style” — posting countless messages about his love life.

He wrote in 2016 that he’d been looking for “a bad b–ch W/ mean head game [sic].”

“So Hot when a woman knows how too,” Jablecki added. “Dam i sure can’t wait to meet a Girl who is a SupaFreak.”