
This is the best city for dating in America (it’s definitely not NYC)

Want to improve your dating prospects? Move to North Carolina.

Real-estate website Apartment List surveyed over 13,000 renters across the US to find the top 10 cities for dating in the country. Subjects were asked, “How would you rate your current city or neighborhood for opportunities to date and make friends?”

Raleigh, NC, took the top spot, with 66.7 percent of its residents satisfied with the dating scene. It’s followed by San Antonio, Texas (62.5); Boston, Mass. (58.7) and Charlotte, NC (58.1).

“We expect that each person surveyed rated their city based on their own personal experiences and observations of the dating scene in their city,” Andrew Woo, director of data science for Apartment List, told Bustle. “Factors that could influence these decisions include the number of singles in a similar demographic group, the availability of nightlife and community activities, and whether the city’s layout lends itself to general sociability and chance encounters.”

Meanwhile, New York City, known for its ultra-competitive dating market, ranked 10th, with just 49.5 percent of its residents content.