Porn star gets last laugh with nemesis QB’s draft slide

Mr. Irrelevant was the most relevant to former porn star Mia Khalifa.

With the last pick of this year’s NFL draft, the Broncos selected Mississippi quarterback Chad Kelly. If he’s best known as being the nephew of NFL great Jim Kelly, he’s next known for being infatuated with Khalifa, who has adopted him as her nemesis.

Kelly has tried twice — at least that we know of — to chat up Khalifa, the last time coming in October. She has routinely called him out by screenshotting the desperate quarterback’s flirting attempts, shocked that an Ole Miss star would be so brazen with a Florida State fanatic — Khalifa, currently hawking the Capitals as much as she can, is a big sports fan.

When the No. 253 pick — the last — was announced and Kelly’s name was called, Khalifa had the last laugh in what has become the internet’s favorite QB-porn star beef (lots of competition there).

Some of her, ahem, fans joined in the roasting, which she eagerly retweeted.

It was a fitting conclusion to a rough day for Kelly, who languished on his couch as name after name was called. The Broncos selected him after GM John Elway reportedly talked with Jim Kelly, who vouched for his nephew.

Beyond sliding into a porn star’s direct messages, he’s had more serious things to own up to — he was arrested in 2014 following a bar fight, in which he allegedly threatened to shoot up the place.