US News

Controversial White House aide gets a secretive new job

Sebastian Gorka, controversial security adviser to President Trump, will be leaving the White House for a secretive new job with the feds, a report says.

The top counterterrorism aide is taking on a role within the Trump administration that will center around the “war of ideas” involving radical Islamic extremists and how to combat terrorism, according to the Washington Examiner.

A senior official told the outlet that he will be appointed to an undisclosed federal agency following his stint with the Strategic Initiatives Group, which is an internal White House organization that works out of the West Wing.

The move reportedly comes amid rumors that he hadn’t been able to fulfill his duties as national security adviser due to a lack of a security clearance.

Gorka — who has been blasted for his alleged ties to the Nazi-linked Hungarian nationalist group Vitezi Rend — was said to be a man of mystery during his time in the White House.

One source told the Examiner that he typically spent his work days “giving White House tours and peeling out in his Mustang.”

He also spoke on television about counterterrorism, the source said.

Little is known about Gorka’s new position, except that it won’t be at the State Department.

An official told the Examiner that the former Breitbart News editor had been in a “holding pattern” at SIG while he waited for the new job. One source said his role in the White House was always meant to be temporary.

Gorka had been called on by Democrats and liberal activists to resign for his alleged ties to Vitezi Rend, despite there being no evidence against him. He has denied the accusations repeatedly.

His move comes after Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was removed from his position on the National Security Council.