US News

Congress agrees on $1 trillion deal to fund government until October 1

Congressional negotiators from both major parties reached an agreement Sunday night on a massive spending bill that, if approved, would give the government more than $1 trillion in funding and keep day-to-day operations going until the end of September.

The hard-won deal could be the first major piece of bipartisan legislation to be pushed through Congress since President Trump took office, and would provide billions of dollars for the Pentagon — but would not provide funds for his ballyhooed Mexican wall.

It would, however, add $1.5 billion for border security, including more detention beds.

In a concession to Democrats and moderate Republicans, the measure would reject White House budget director Mick Mulvaney’s recent proposals to cut popular programs — such as medical research and community development grants.

Senior aides from both parties, who chose to remain anonymous, confirmed that an agreement had been reached, but kept most details under wraps.

The deal was finally reached following weeks of tense negotiations between Republicans and Democrats.

While some unrelated policy issues — such as a Democratic request to help Puerto Rico’s struggling government with its Medicaid problem — held up negotiations, the parties were determined to avoid a government shutdown, and agreed on the biggest decision regarding federal agency budgets.

Trump’s request for a down payment from Congress on a border wall was flatly rejected by the Democrats, according to the aides. They told CNN that the party viewed the demand as immoral and premature due to the president’s lack of details.

In a surprising move, ObamaCare subsidies — which Trump once threatened to do away with — will stay in place under the agreement and will continue to be paid to insurance companies in an attempt to bring down the cost of out-of-pocket expenses for lower-income citizens.

The deal, if passed by the full House and Senate, would also keep funding for Planned Parenthood through September and add $2 billion to the National Institutes of Health, as well as providing extra cash for opioid treatment and college grants.

Since Democratic votes will be needed to pass the $1 trillion-plus agreement, the Republicans, who control both the White House and Congress, will have to work closely with them once again to assure that it passes.

“This agreement is a good agreement for the American people and takes the threat of a government shutdown off the table,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

With Post wires