US News

Ann Coulter vows to speak at Berkeley despite cancellation

Firebrand conservative Ann Coulter has vowed to speak next week at the University of California at Berkeley — despite the liberal bastion’s cancellation of the event for safety reasons.

“By the way, I am giving the speech. What are they going to do? Arrest me?” Coutler declared Wednesday night on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” 

UC Berkeley administration nixed Coutler’s speech, scheduled for next Thursday, saying they were “unable to find a safe and suitable venue” in wake of recent violent anti-Trump protests.

Coulter told Carlson that she had to agree to specific demands for the April 27 event — including speaking in the daytime to a crowd of only students and at a location to be chosen closer to the day.

“So I meet all of their demands, then wake up this morning and they send out a letter saying how much they love the First Amendment and freedom of speech — and we’re just canceling her anyway,” Coulter said.

“What does that mean exactly? They’re canceling — that means they’re not allowing you to speak there, these supporters of the First Amendment?” asked Carlson.

Coulter replied: “Well, we’ll find out if they arrest me when I show up to give my speech. But yeah, that is apparently their intent.”

In February, a planned speech by alt-right pundit Milo Yiannopoulos was canceled following a night of chaotic protests over his appearance.